A New Day, A New Bike Ride

portland coffee biking pic

A little background

I picked up a bike from bikesdirect.com, specifically the Motobecane GravelX2 54cm in matte grey.  I assembled it and found that my assembly skills to be lacking.  So, I took it to REI for a final check and minor tune-up.  Rode it a few times and then put it away….for three years.  I finally took it out on a small ride around downtown Portland waterfront with a co-workers husband, Vishak.

Current Day Happenings

Vishak and I rode roughly 6-7 miles, nothing strenuous just enough to knock the dust off the legs.  It helped me realize one thing….that I really love riding a bike and exercise.  So much so that when we were drinking a quick cup of coffee before the ride was officially over I was planning my next ride.  Planning a ride during the ride before it was over.  That’s right!

Talking about biking has helped cement in my mind that I really need to get out there and ride and run and exercise, outside being the first choice of riding environment.  I used to ride with a fishing buddy in Austin, TX tackling sections of Tour Das Hugel I bought and tuned up my bike using Zen and The Art of Bicycle Maintenance along with the Park Tool Stand.  (Not to say that I was some badass bike rider and could repair them with best…but I knew my way around them.)


After analyzing what I had ridden that day, I was happy to say that I had done a good job, but there is another day and another chance to do better.  So, a day later I rode again and got better.  A couple of days later, I rode again and got better.  Enough to where the little rubber nubbies from a new bike were worn off.  It is time to take it into REI to have adjustments made to the bike to allow for a more comfortable ride.  I think that I have justified spending a few more dollars to improve my riding experience.

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